When & Where
Hull Community Voices meet weekly on Thursdays evenings during school term time. Our sessions are held at Quaker Meeting House, Bean Street HU3 2PR, (just off Anlaby Road, near Hull Royal Infirmary).
Most sessions involve a recap of songs that have been sung in a previous session, so you will be able to pick up songs if you miss a session. You don’t need to commit to a full term, although it helps to attend regularly. The main thing is to come along, join in and have fun.
Session Fees
We are a small self-funding community group and members contribute towards each session.
In order to cover venue and tutor costs, we ask people to donate what they can afford.
Our suggested donation for each weekly workshop is £4.50 (concessions – £4.00).
New members can come along to the first session as a taster free of charge.