A reminder that there is no session on Thursday 21st February. We return on Thursday 28th.
Happy New Year to all. Our sessions begin again on Thursday 10th January (7.30pm at Bean Street). All welcome. If you are new to singing but fancy trying out a free session, just come along on the night.
Last session
This Thursday (December 20th) is our final session before the Xmas break. After some festive singing, we’ll have a buffet – please bring small donations of food to share. Members who can arrive earlier than usual, please join us across Anlaby Road at Miranda House (HU3 2RT) for carols shared with staff and residents (6.30pm). […]
Open workshop
Everyone is welcome (members, friends, shoppers…) to join us at another of our free open workshops. Ali Bullivent will lead us in a singing session at Trinity Indoor Market in the Old Town – 12.30 pm on Saturday 15th December. Previous events have been a lot of fun and well received by all. You will […]
A reminder that this Thursday ( November 1st), there is no session due to the half-term break. We meet again on the 8th November for a guest session with Jack Simmonds.
Trinity Market workshop
Ali Bullivent will be leading another open-to-all singing workshop on Saturday 29th at Trinity Market. Join us at 1pm, in the seating area, for an opportunity to exercise your lungs and have fun.
Our annual meeting is set for Thursday 27th of September. Please arrive 30 minutes earlier to allow for a prompt 7pm start. The rest of the evening will be our usual singing workshop.
Autumn Term
Our first meeting will be Thursday 6th September at Bean St. New members are always welcome. No need to book – just pop along at 7.30pm. (Newcomers are invited to try a taster session free of charge.)
End of summer term
Just a reminder that July 19th is our final session for the summer term. We resume in September – exact details tbc. Members are invited to our summer party, at Cath and Suresh’s. This is a bring and share for the buffet and starts at 6pm. As usual there will be singing and music alongside […]
Postcode Community Trust News
Hull Community Voices successfully received a grant from the Postcode Community Trust, which is a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our project received £1350 from the Trust to support our project to bring singing into the wider community of Hull. During 2018 we are arranging accessible singing workshops in a range of locations such as Riverside […]